Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 6, 2014

Hello my fellow hookers!

Our meeting yesterday was awesome! As always, the yard sale was lots of fun, and there was a load of goodies!

Barb and Jill presented an amazing program on what it takes to become a McGown-certified teacher... For those who missed the meeting, it takes FIVE YEARS! Projects are assigned to you, such as: hook this piece in a fine cut, this one in a primitive cut, hook these fruit or these vegetables, hook this one only in secondary colors AND you have to dye all the wool! And you have to hook this piece and teach it - to a class of 15 McGown-certified teachers... And must prepare a notebook with complete instructions on how you did everything associated with that piece. A notebook don well enough that the piece could be replicated by another hooker, without you.


And yet after all that Barb and Jill seem so sane!

They mentioned a great resource - The McGown Guild. I'd heard of it, but assumed (yes, I know!) you had to be a McGown teacher. If you're interested, here's a link:

See you next month!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Stories and photos needed!!

Sorry I haven't published anything here for a while! I'm sharing info almost every day on our Facebook page. It's so much easier for us sometimes lazy people... Just click "share" and move on. It's a little more complicated, for me at least, to maintain a blog. I'm still trying to learn the netiquette of how much I can share without first getting permission. But I will learn!

In the meantime, I would love to have input... Stories, questions, photos... Bring it on!

My only caveat right now is not being able to take and share photos. My computer is AWOL. I'm working from my iPad Mini, and it's much harder to type with one finger than ten!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Goose Creek Hook-In 2014

The Hook-In was, as it always is, fantastic!

It was wonderful to catch up with so many friends we may only see a couple of times a year.

And to look at - and drool over - all the eye-candy!

Our very own Caroline Twigg had a class on beginning rug hooking in the morning. And Ellen Grau had an afternoon class on Punch Needle. I don't know how many attendees each class had, but I think it's a fantastic idea to have them, and hope we have more!

Box lunches were also new this year, and extremely popular! The food was delish, and you got a very full box!

Our thanks go out to Jen Pelton, and everyone behind the scenes (or in front of them!) who helped put together such a fun-filled time!

Many, many thanks to Patty Sharrer for providing these pix from the Hook-In:

Just a small portion of the gorgeous wools available!

Our very own Caroline Twigg, with some of her beauteous wools and patterns

Here's Jerry Spears, with some of her really fun, colorful rugs underfoot, and just a peek at some of her wools. 

And here is Debra Henckle, in front of just a few of her many wonderful rugs. I really love her Adam and Eve rug!